Meet the Maker: Bubbly Creations

As we race towards the 3rd Annual Reno Mini Maker Faire (it’s in just ONE WEEK! SQUEEEEE!), we are meeting some of the amazing makers who will be sharing their craft and knowledge. In today’s installment of Meet the Maker, we’re going to hear from Gina Caudillo of Bubbly Creations in Sparks, NV.


The Basics: 
Gina Caudillo | Bubbly Creations
Sparks, NV
Twitter: @bubblycreations
Intstagram: SudsySpinster

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What does being a Maker mean to you?
Maker. I don’t know what else to be. My parents are makers. My siblings make too. We all have our own little niche. We learn from each other and share our successes and laugh at our failures. But  I think everyone makes something, I think it’s part of being human and integral to our survival as a species. some of us have to take it to another level. The drive to build and create becomes almost compulsory. We MUST make things. And so we do.


What kind of making do you do?
I make… lots of things. Soap. Yarn. cookies. Cookies are integral to my survival on this planet. I weave things and knit things, I make a lot of messes… that’s not all… but it’s what I do most frequently.


What is your favorite part of being a Maker? What is your least favorite part?
My favorite part of being a maker is in the progress. I am rewarded when I see that I have been productive. When I can look at something and say, look at all the progress I made today! My least favorite part? Cleaning up the mess. lol.


Where do you find inspiration as a Maker?
Everywhere. No Really. It’s scary in my head. So many projects, so little time.

Share a link to the last thing you saw/read/learned about that made you say, “Wow!”

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If you could give advice to an up-and-coming Maker, what would it be?
Do it. If you want to do it, do it. Find other people to show you how, Facebook, YouTube, the flipping yellow pages. (ooh. I bet you could paper mache with yellow pages and it would be better than newspaper because it’s so thin…) Find other people that do what you want to do and glue yourself to them.


Why did you decide to participate in the Reno Mini Maker Faire?
I thought it would be a great way to promote my soap, the first year. But I couldn’t sell soap so I spun yarn and gave away soap samples. The second year, I skipped the soap and spun myself dizzy. This year? I went all in!


Where do you see the Reno Maker culture going in the near future?
Reno is at an amazing juncture of an art explosion and the makers are integral to that. I really feel like we are going to see a larger quantity of solid maker-entrepreneurs changing the feel of the city.

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